Name: Kenton
A.K.A: K-Grind
Position: Guitar
Xanga: KentObean
Bio: Kenton is the mastermind behind Nosegrind. He started the band with Party Pooper back in the day when it was the two-man thrash. This gangsta packs a brutal guitar that he plays deathly fast, the speed at which your heart will explode into a thousand pieces. You can catch K-Grind busting skateboard tricks like what that will make you pee your pants uncontrollably. Kenton will mess you up beyond repair if your are caught talking smack on Nosegrind. This thug from the original Nosegrind crew is what keeps Nosegrind creating the best gangsta thrash around.

~"You a rough rider skateboarder? Ya, Im rought ridin and shit."

Bio by Party Pooper