8/15/03: AH HA HA! I made a bunch more buddy icons. Check em' out on the stuff page.
7/22/03: The day you have all been waiting for is today! Go to the stuff page and listen to an MP3 of our song Don't Put Babies in Here.
6/12/03: "Corn Dogs and Apple Sauce" is going to be put on hold again, but we are talking to Jimmy D and the Rotten 3 about doing a split, so we will have some music comming out.
5/11/03: We have some new photos up from the show on 4/26/03 at Abdiana. Also, Nosegrind is going to re-record "Corn Dogs and Apple Sauce" and we might be on a pretty big comp, so we are going to do some recording soon.
4/15/03: We got some patches now, check em' out on the stuff page, and check our new guest book.
3/18/03: Nosegrind recorded 5 songs today. Be on the look out for the EP "Corn Dogs and Apple Sauce." Some of the band members had corn dogs and apple sauce today at Ryan's house and another band member just ate stolen starburst.
3/16/03: We had our first practice with Clare and shes is the official vocalist. Last night we showed up to a show at the next space and were allowed to play 4 songs, it was off the hook.
3/9/03: Nosegrind is officially a 3 man band. Conor from Hymns.of.Saturn is the bands new bass player. Nosegrind Might become a 4 person band soon, we are going to give Clare Lapping a shot at lead vocals, if she can ever show up to a practice.