Name: Ryan
A.K.A: Party Pooper
Position: Drums
Xanga: nayR_Saturn
Bio: This thug is best know for his ability to poop out the parties. He walks around, blowin' peoples buzz, ending the parties early, just being a serious party pooper. He is also an AMAZING drummer. His natural ability to play drums is seriously amazing. Ryan can also be seen yelling about girls and ruins falling in his other band Hymns of Saturn, or riding his skateboard, jammin' to some tunes around brookside. Oh, he is also a big jerk. Ryan is part of the original Nosegrind line up, he is on the first recording, back when it was serious 2 man thrash, ya he goes way back with this band.

~"Every Party Has A Pooper, Thats What We Invited You For, Party Pooper, thats you."

Bio by Kenton